Mike Ross of Tempe, Arizona is running for President
of the USA as a Libertarian Party Canidate in 2008.
The last time I ran president I was misquoted by the media and they said:
Mike Ross "teeters on the brink of being an Anarcho-Capitalist."
Hell I don't teeter on the brink of being an
I am an Anarcho-Capitalist!
This web site is under construction
I have the exact same platform as last time I ran.
- I am a Libertarian Anarchist that wants
to get rid of all governments that
initiate force to operate.
- I am still very angry with David Dorn
for slandering my name and destroying
my reputation by telling people at
his F.R.E.E. Supper Club that I was a governnment snitch.
F*ck David Dorn! He is an *sshole!
(That's my personal opinion.
Even I think he is a jerk his mother might like him.)
At the First Freedom Summit Ernest Hancock told me that his buddy David Dorn had been spreading lies about me behind my back for FOUR years telling people that I was a government snitch who infiltrated David Dorn F.R.E.E. Supper Club.
- I also have the same problem with Ernie Hancock.
When Ernie Hancock told me that his “Sugar Daddy”
David Dorn was calling me a government snitch
I though that Ernie Hancock would give me a fair
shake and hear my side of the story. Ernest Hancock didn’t.
I suspect getting money from David Dorn for his Ernest Hancock publicity stunts is more important to Ernie then finding out the truth. F*ck you Ernie! You’re a hypocrite who can mouth the Libertarian Party line but you don’t practice it.
Of course I also want to do all the standard stuff
that all other REAL Libertarian want to do like.
(I't not a liar like most of the Republicans and
Democrats who will say something just to get you
to vote for me.)
- Legalize ALL drugs
- Get rid of ALL taxes
- Legalize ALL victimless crimes
- Legalize ALL guns.
(Does that mean machine guns and rocket launchers?
What part of ALL don't you understand? Of course it does!)
- Stop the stupid Iraq war NOW!!!
Does that mean Cut and Run?
Damn Right it does!
Elect me and the war ends the day I take office.
Sooner, if I can find a way to get war criminal
George W. Hitler to remove the troops before I get into office.
- Get rid of 99.99% of government.
Has Mike Ross ever taken any illegal drugs like Clinton
who admitted smoking marijuana but came up with the
lame ass excuse and said he didn't inhale.
Or President Bush who refuses to admit he snorted coke.
Damn right Mike Ross has smoke marijuana many times and
he deeply inhaled it each and everytime!
How do you expect to get a buzz if you don't inhale it deeply?
Mike has popped LSD more than a few times.
Mike has taken a number of other illegal drugs too.
Unlike President Bush, Mike has never tried cocaine or crack.
Nor has Mike every shot any drugs.
They want to pass a law to keep Mike Ross
from running for President according to this
I wonder if David Dorn is behind that silly unconstitutional law?
David Dorn is an alleged Libertarian,
but actions speak louder then words and
David Dorn is more of a hypocrite then a Libertarian.
This web site is either:
Mike Ross's web page when he ran for President in 2004
Mike Ross's web pages when he ran for Governor of Arizona
Mike Ross for Arizona Governor 2002
Mike Ross for Arizona Governor 2006
Mike Ross's web pages when he ran for Maricopa County Supervisor
Vote for Mike Ross, the Libertarian guy running for President of the United State. The only good government is NO government. And if Mike Ross is elected he will do the best he can to eliminate as much of government as he can!
: https://mike-for-prez-2008.tripod.com/